
We are three guys who have been friends for over fifteen years, and as close as brothers for ten. Each of us has a particular interest that we “specialize” in and like to highlight. There’s a lot of crossover in interests between the three of us. You can’t be friends for fifteen years and not like the same things. But we certainly do not agree on every aspect and aren’t afraid to let each other know!

Marty – Our Content Director. He has had a passion for video games since his tiny baby hands could work a controller. Marty brings a driven intellect and dry wit to the group, always offering thoughtful opinions on each topic.

Moby – Our Visual Arts Director. Moby’s love and appreciation for cinema was conceived at a young age. His attention to detail and analytical mind allow him to offer an even tempered, matter-of-fact opinion on all subjects. Even if he is endearingly awkward most of the time.

Leland – The Sound Editor. Leland has been collecting hobby board games since 2015, and has dove head first into the industry. He is always ready to talk about the latest game he has read about or played, finding an audience in whomever will listen. Leland’s enthusiasm often gets the better of him, sometimes leading to explosive rants and disagreements.


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